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Jimmy | A Light In Our World

Written Version

Edited Buses by Izzy.jpg
In the heart of Cane Creek Middle school is a man we all know and love, always brightening the days of both students and staff; Jimmy Dillingham, the dedicated janitor and bus driver who goes above and beyond in his role.

A recent interview with Mr. Jimmy reveals his deep love for his family, kids, and satisfactions he works to find through making others feel valued and important. He humbly reflected on his proudest accomplishments, from raising his own children to the simple joy of driving a bus and ensuring that every child feels valued. His genuine concern for others shines through in every interaction, a testament to his kind and caring nature.

Outside of work, Jimmy enjoys fishing, movies, gambling: “just a little bit,” and an occasional trip to Cherokee. He cherishes his moments of relaxation and thrives in simple pleasures that bring him joy. Like any other person, he faces daily struggles, from paying bills to keeping up with the demands of life.

Yet, through it all, he remains strong in his commitment to excellence and compassion.Jimmy's dedication does not go unnoticed by the students he serves. They admire his humor, his willingness to engage with them, and above all, his genuine care for their well-being. Their words of praise and gratitude speak volumes about the impact Jimmy has had on their lives, and his presence serves as a constant source of positivity and encouragement.

Elisa Brennan states, “He always puts a lot of work into the school no matter what he gets in return. He is respectful to the students and always puts them first.”

Jimmy say that it would be remarkable if students could show more appreciation to him and his fellow workers by making sure to keep things clean, and realize that student’s actions affect them, but overall he says that he has great students on the bus, in the cafeteria, halls, all around, and respect and acknowledgement means the most to both janitors and bus drivers. He reminds us that actions can often speak louder than words.

As Jimmy looks towards the future, he hopes to continue making a positive impact on everyone he encounters. His unwavering commitment to kindness and service is a beacon of light in the halls of Cane Creek Middle School, reminding us all of the profound impact one person can have on an entire community. Thank you, Jimmy, for your dedication, your kindness, and your unwavering spirit of generosity.

Written By Leah Fulkerson
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